We’re an association of church safety and security leaders in the West Michigan area whose primary ministry is the safety and protection of the children, members, visitors, volunteers and staff at our places of worship.


We assist those responsible at our churches with the development, implementation and operation of a church safety and security ministry, whether you are just starting a program or if you already have one established.


WMCSN members have access to helpful resources that should assist them with their safety & security ministries. These resources are a collection of policies, procedures, ideas, concerns, suggestions, opinions, document templates and other similar information pertaining to church safety & security.

Meetings and Seminars

The WMCSN members meet multiple times each year in the Grand Rapids area at a host church to discuss and share information, resources, strategies, concerns and issues regarding safety and security at our places of worship. We also host, support and share information about church safety & security seminars and training in the area.

Working with Community

The WMCSN also works with in cooperation with local law enforcement, fire departments and other first responder agencies for the purpose providing information such as community agency contacts and first responder information along with information on trainings and seminars designed specifically for places of worship.

Who can join

All safety & security directors, administrators and leads, whether staff or volunteer, who have been appointed by church administration as their safety & security representative, are welcome to apply for membership in the WMCSN.

For questions or more information about West Michigan Church Security Network, please contact us.